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A Disney Childhood
Comic Books to Sailing Ships
A Memoir
Cathy Sherman Freeman
Professor Wonderful showing me,
the Maggie Wheel. This was in the
TV Guide (1964).
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A Magical Childhood
An Unexpected Foe
Trips to Disneyland
Walt Disney at the Christmas Parties
Hanging on for the Ride
Summers in the Ocean
Europe promoting Jungle Book
Working in a Welsh Pub
How Mary Poppins almost got my Father killed
A comic book world
One block from Disney Studio
Sailing raceboats
A Disney Childhood: Comic Books to Sailing Ships
is my story of growing up the daughter of a Disney Executive in the 50s-60s-70s when Walt Disney Studios felt like family.  It was a magical childhood. My three brothers and I were little Disney ambassadors as we accompanied Father when he entertained Foreign Representatives at Disneyland or they would come over for a “typical American” dinner at our house one block
from the Disney Studios. Similiar to most fairytales there enters an unexpected Foe who brought challenges that were a test of my ability to incorporate comic book humor into harsh realities.  It is a coming of age story.  I took advantage of opportunities to travel and met with some complicated circumstances.  My Disney core values of honesty and creativity help me along the way as well as my motto: “Humor in Adversity”.
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Book Available in Print and Digital
© 2014 Crystal Castle Graphics, Cathy Sherman Freeman web designer
Note:  Goofy helped me design this website.  When I said at times it looked to me to be askew. Goofy said, “Gosh Cathy, it looks fine to me.”  
If it looks okay to Goofy, aka Super Goof, then it darn well looks swell to me too.